Time To Reset

Time To Reset

Time To Reset Well, we patiently waited for the time when we could re-open our salons, clinics, spas and wellness businesses and the time has finally arrived! Now is the time to reset! You can reset so many things, this is a huge opportunity and not one to overlook or miss out on. The first…

Ten Tips for Marketing Your Business Via Your Facebook Profile

Marketing Tips The best way to market your business on Facebook is through a Facebook Page dedicated to that business. However, your personal Facebook Profile presents some marketing opportunities of its own. First and foremost, using your personal profile starts with personal relationships in building business relationships. 1. Let your friends know about your business….

Finding Staff Fast

Staff turnover is unwelcome at the best of times,  but to make matters worse for small business salon owners, is the cost of advertising for staff. With the paid services available becoming so expensive for some small cash strapped salons, it’s time to think out of the box and find your new staff member without…

Break Even Point

As a Business Coach I am constantly amazed at the amount of Salon & Spa owners who do not know what their ”break even point” is in their business.  If you do not know how much money you need to bring in every week, just to cover your basic costs….how can you possibly track and…