It never fails to amuse me to hear of stories where friends of mine have visited a Beauty Salon and left not receiving the advice, knowledge or service they were really interested in.
Just last week a friend of mine when into a salon for a waxing service and she asked the question, “what is the difference between IPL and Laser hair removal”? The answer she received was inconclusive and complete waffle and made no sense at all, needless to say it also didn’t answer her question.
Had she received a knowledgable answer to her question, this particular friend of mine, loves to pre-purchase packages and would no doubt have been more than happy to buy a package of Laser hair removal, on the spot.
However, as is her usual experience (hence why she tries different salons so often), she felt she was being handled by somebody who was less than professional in their knowledge and their confidence.
So, next time a client asks you a question. If you don’t know the answer, for goodness sake, don’t try and fake it, it shows! Simple say, that is an excellent question, let me get back to you on that and proceed to finish up the treatment. Then once you acquire the correct knowledge, you can pass that onto your client with confidence and even then offer a package as well.
You must have confidence, you must realise that people are asking you something because it is of interest to them. Listen, understand that the question is for a purpose and ask questions back.
This same friend also, not just at one salon but at two different salons was enquiring about LED and the effects and benefits. Again she would have happily purchased a package on the spot, but the Therapist changed the subject and lost the sale.
Ask your client, would you be interested in knowing more. Did you know that we can do a package and save you $X? Don’t miss out on the sale, this is imperative….listen, listen and then listen even more intently.